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The initiative aims to help South Asian farmers in boosting productivity. (Image source: Enea Pestelacci/Flickr)

Boston-based Indigo Ag, Inc, a company dedicated to harnessing nature to help farmers sustainably feed the planet, and Mahyco Grow™, an agri innovation provider in India, have launched a joint venture to provide growers across South Asia access to cutting-edge seed treatments

Agro-technology becomes critical to achieving global synergies for water sustainability. (Image source: Don OBrien/Flickr)

Valmont Industries, Inc, a leading global provider of engineered products and services for infrastructure and irrigation equipment for agriculture, spearheaded a collaborative global-scale AgTech Summit

IRC 2018 will be held in Singapore. (Image source: IRRI)

The fifth International Rice Conference (IRC) and Trade Show will be held at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore from 15-17 October 2018

The guidance is essential and timely, because failing to address land rights has consequences for everyone. (Image source: United Nations Photo/Flickr)

The global land rights group, Landesa, and UK governments Department for International Development (DFID) LEGEND Programme have launched the Resource Platform for Responsible Investments in Property and Land (RIPL) to help businesses, governments and communities navigate the land investment process and move towards more equitable and sustainable outcomes for all stakeholders

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