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Adding fish to flooded rice fields is a traditional farming technique practiced in some Asian countries for many centuries. (Image source: Water326menko/Shutterstock)

An FAO regional workshop on innovative integrated agro-aquaculture in Asia explored how fish farming integrated in flooded rice paddy fields help to achieve higher yield and better quality of rice besides producing fish as an additional commodity

BRICS meeting discusses ways to eradicate hunger and poverty by meeting global food security requisite. (Image source: Jankie/Flickr)

The 7th meeting of BRICS Ministers of Agriculture in China focused on the agrarian development and to take leading role in creating innovation to develop the agricultural sector, with an aim to meet the international goal of hunger and poverty eradication

FAOs new guidelines are designed for national planners, agriculture, forestry and fisheries authorities and experts as well as United Nations and bilateral donors. (Image source: Global Water Forum/Flickr)

FAO has issued guidelines for the agricultural sector to contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation to achieve sustainable development goals

South Africa is expected to harvest a record 15.6mn tonnes of maize this year, double last years output. (Photo: Bruno Glätsch/Pixabay)

South Africa, which has had a bumper crop of maize this year leading to depressed prices and dampened demand in Africa, will now target Asian markets to boost maize exports

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