FMC launches innovative fungicide for Indonesian potato farmers

Quintect 105SC fungicide has a unique mode of action and strong efficacy on oomycetes disease control. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

FMC Corporation, an agricultural sciences company, has launched Quintect 105SC, an innovative new fungicide for potato farmers in Indonesia, as a solution to tackle late blight disease

Quintect 105SC is a new systemic and translaminar fungicide with a unique mode of action and strong efficacy on oomycetes disease control. Working rapidly and effectively to stop the growth of fungal hyphae in the leaves and stems of potato plants, it enables improved crop performance and increased yield potential.

“FMC is committed to bring the latest technologies that address Indonesian farmers’ challenges. The newly released Quintect 105SC fungicide is a testimony to our commitment of enabling better yield through technology-driven, scientific solutions. We are confident that with its unique mode of action, Quintect 105SC fungicide will help potato farmers overcome the problem of late blight and improve their income through a superior harvest," said FMC Indonesia brand manager, Yagus Darajat.

Quintect 105SC fungicide has officially launched in several regions of Indonesia including Kerinci in Jambi province (Central Sumatra), Garut in West Java, Wonosobo in Central Java, and Batu City in East Java province. The product is available at retailer shops in these areas. FMC Indonesia has also announced the launch of its new official website offering Indonesian farmers an easy way to find the right solutions to their crop challenges and nutrition needs. It also provides useful information about the optimal dosage of crop protection products, thereby helping farmers grow food more efficiently.

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