Food & Commodity

China has released its 12th five-year food safety plan. (Source:

China has released its 12th five-year food safety plan in an effort to upgrade its food safety regulations and revamp industry standards

The US Grains Council recently joined with the US embassy in Japan to present a new study, Food 2040, at a major public briefing in Tokyo jointly sponsored by the embassy and Keidanren, a major Japanese business federation

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has registered the first drop in global food prices in April after months of increases

Swiss food and beverage giant Nestle has announced plans to invest more than US$4.37 million (S$5.5 million) to strengthen its R&D base in Singapore

World food prices in March remainedĀ almost unchanged from their February levels, according to the latest FAO Food Price Index. The Index averaged 216 points in March, compared to 215 in February

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