

Thailand’s major soybean meal import suppliers are Brazil, Argentina and India. (Image source: United Soybean Board/Flickr)

Soybean imports in Thailand will rise by 11 per cent in market year (MY) 2013/14 due to growing demand from livestock and aquaculture sector

One of the main objectives of agricultural parks is to introduce new technology to farmers. (Image source: Marion Doss/Flickr)

Vietnam plans to build three more agricultural hi-tech parks in Ho Chi Minh City to apply new technology and introduce new plant species and transfer technology to farmers or agriculture enterprises

More than half of Australia’s recent exports of oilseeds, like canola, have been reportedly sold into Asia, where there’s a growing market for animal feed. (Image source: Yarik Mishin/

Australia is all set to boost its grain and oilseed exports to Asia due to increasing demand in the region

In 2010, the Philippines had signed an agreement promising to steadily reduce tariffs on sugar imports, from 38 per cent in 2011 to five per cent in 2015.

Due to rising domestic demand and a fall in production due to last year’s extreme weather conditions, the Philippines has scaled back sugar exports this year, according to a report by the Oxford Business Group

The preliminary official estimates put the 2013 main season paddy crop at a record level of 7.3mn tonnes. (Image source: Krista Johanson/

Cambodia may harvest record paddy crop in 2013/14 main wet season, which began early December 2013

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