

The mission of Women in Food and Agriculture is to make a measurable positive impact on gender diversity across the global food and agricultural industry. (Image source: Artem Beliaikin/Unsplash)

Survey to probe the impact of COVID-19 and where agribusinesses across the globe measure on the scale of gender and diversity

The study suggests that respondents believe that technology can help farmers address the challenges they face. (Image source: seungwoo yon/Pixabay)

A Cargill study found that most consumers are ready to rally around farmers in support of their efforts to put food on the tables around the globe

The survey shows that the burden of food-related diseases is not spread equally across the world. (Image source: Igor Ovsyannykov/Pixabay)

First-ever, Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll shows a global food safety record with more than half of the world’s population – 60% of the world’s population – saying they are worried about the food they eat and 51% about the safety of the water they drink

The plant has the potential to produce 30,000 tonnes of GMO corn seed per year. (Image source: Couleur/Pixabay)

Origin Agritech, an agricultural technology company, has established a large-scale production area for corn seed and has built a seed processing and conditioning plant through Xinjiang OriginBo Seed Limited, a subsidiary of Origin for seed production

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