

Solutions to stem food loss and waste include good data to know where in the value chain the major hot spots of food loss and waste are. (Image source: Oleg Magni/Pexels)

“Food loss and waste is a major challenge of our time,” said FAO director-general QU Dongyu, urging stronger partnerships, more public and private investment in training for smallholder farmers, technology and innovation to step up the fight against food loss and waste as “our planet is a small ship in the universe”

Crover has been developing the robot that can take accurate temperature and moisture measurements as it travels through the grain. (Image source: 42 North/Pexels)

Start-up company Crover has introduced the world-first agricultural technology, designed to reduce waste and save millions of tonnes of grain stock each year

An agronomic information archive allows Cropwise Seed Selector users to tailor their seed portfolio based on geographic location. (Image source: Maarten van den Heuvel/Pexels)

To help farmers further maximise profit potential through data-driven seed recommendations, agriculture company Syngenta and NK Seeds have launched the Cropwise Seed Selector

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