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In Pakistan’s rural Sindh province, livestock are an integral part of poor people’s livelihoods, contributing to household income, food security and nutrition. (Image source: Imran Sohail/Flickr)

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is taking steps to save millions of family farmers in Pakistan that have been affected by a series of natural hazards in the last 14 months and recent COVID-19

The aim is to provide high-quality food to a growing population in a sustainable way. (Image source: Sasin Tipchai/Pixabay)

Nutreco is adopting Science Based Targets to help the world produce enough nutritious and high-quality food for its growing population in a sustainable way

The fund aims to help rural SMEs to grow their business and income. (Image source: Heri Santoso/Pixabay)

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has announced an investment of US$9mn into the Agri-Business Capital (ABC) Fund, a blended capital impact fund to help small-scale farmers and micro- small and medium size rural enterprises in developing countries create jobs and increase incomes

Vertical farming is a process where crops are grown indoors under carefully controlled environmental conditions. (Image source: BrightAgrotech/Pixabay)

Vertical farming is set to overcome the traditional complex and opaque supply chain of fresh produce, improving the quality of yields

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