

The director-general invited the private sector to work with FAO on supporting innovations and technologies. (Image source: World Trade Organization/Flickr)

FAO director-general, Qu Dongyu, has welcomed a US$15mn donation to FAO from the Ningxia Yanbao Charity Foundation

Te acquisition further opens-up potential raw milk and other ingredient sourcing opportunities. (Image source: Thomas B./Pixabay)

China Mengniu Dairy Company has announced that it will buy Lion-Dairy & Drinks, an Australia-based branded dairy and beverage company, from Japan’s Kirin Holdings for US$407mn

The partnership arrangement is expected to enable Grimme to be the sole UK distributor for HarvestEyeTM for both new and existing harvesters and farm graders. (Image source: HarvestEye Ltd)

Lincoln-based Agri-tech company HarvestEye Ltd is has announced a partnership with root crop machinery specialists Grimme UK to deliver HarvestEyeTM technology to the potato industry

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