Vanodine has recently extended its protection efficacy to Fusarium Wilt, TR4 and other pathogens
Enzyme biodiversity key to future of crops

The researchers studied Rubisco biodiversity 75 plant species, including grass, wild rice, melons and beans from across the world. (Image Source: oragriculture/Flickr)
A research study conducted in collaboration between Lancaster University and the University of Illinois have made an important advance in understanding the natural diversity of a key plant enzyme which could help address the threat of global food security
Salinity-tolerant rice varieties produce high yields in Myanmar

Salinity-tolerant variety, Pyi Myanmar Sein, provided greater yield than four other farmer-preferred varieties. (Image source: 64525258@N00/Flickr)
Sixty farmers participated in evaluating new salinity-tolerant rice varieties in a farmer’s field in Meikhtilar District, Mandalay to identify new high-yielding varieties
Food price index continues rise in June

Ample wheat supplies and reports of record yields in the United States held down wheat prices. (Image Source: maryshattock/Flickr)
International food commodity prices shot up 4.2 per cent in June, the highest monthly increase in the last four years
Scientists to use drones to boost food production

Scientists from the United Kingdom are ensuring China is able to meet food demands. (Image source: DNXChina)
Scientists from the United Kingdom are ensuring China is able to meet demands for food production through the use of aerial drones