Strawberries grown in greenhouses like this in Japan may not need soil in the near future. (Image source: commons)
Japanese chemical company Denka has commercialized a new cultivation system that rids the need of soil
Strawberries grown in greenhouses like this in Japan may not need soil in the near future. (Image source: commons)
Japanese chemical company Denka has commercialized a new cultivation system that rids the need of soil
Among the Japanese startups are Agribuddy, who have designed apps for the agriculture sector and will start operations by October in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh
Not everyone has benefitted from the rapid growth in recent times, particularly the rural poor that produce the food. (Image Source: Qui Nguyen Khac/Pixabay)
At a recent meeting of the BRICS Agriculture Ministers, the members discussed the possible global impact the organisation could have in leading agricultural reforms to improve nutrition and rural livelihoods
A quarter of a million tonnes of rice to be imported by the Phillippines will be part of a scheme to secure food supplies in the country
Advances in ICT are bridging the extension gap providing information on several different technologies. (Image source: asiandevelopmentbank/Flickr)
Recent advances in information and communication technology (ICT) are leading to remarkable improvements in agricultural production and food safety in Asia and the Pacific, according to a UN forum of ICT experts