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The global smart agricultural market in Asia-Pacific held the largest share in 2019. (Image source: liu xiaozhong/Pixabay)

The global smart agriculture industry was pegged at US$16.74bn in 2019 and is projected to reach US$29.23bn by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 9.7% from 2021 to 2027, according to a report by Allied Market Research

Jones Food Company believes that large-scale facilities are the only way for vertical farms to compete with conventional agriculture (Image source: Jones Food Company)

The recent IDTechEx report ‘Vertical Farming 2020-2030’ explores the technologies and market factors that shape this rapidly expanding industry

Transmission to humans may occur through the ingestion of contaminated food. (Image source: NIAID/Flickr)

Tentamus Agriparadigma Laboratory has said that it is further developing rapid screening methods for the search of pathogens such as Salmonella spp., Listeria spp. and monocytogenes

Solutions to stem food loss and waste include good data to know where in the value chain the major hot spots of food loss and waste are. (Image source: Oleg Magni/Pexels)

“Food loss and waste is a major challenge of our time,” said FAO director-general QU Dongyu, urging stronger partnerships, more public and private investment in training for smallholder farmers, technology and innovation to step up the fight against food loss and waste as “our planet is a small ship in the universe”

Crover has been developing the robot that can take accurate temperature and moisture measurements as it travels through the grain. (Image source: 42 North/Pexels)

Start-up company Crover has introduced the world-first agricultural technology, designed to reduce waste and save millions of tonnes of grain stock each year

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