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The hops were used to brew fresh hop ales by three Seoul breweries and were released last month. (Image source: Yakima Chief Hops)

Yakima Chief Hops (YCH), a global hop supplier, has exported the largest shipment of freshly harvested hops from the Pacific Northwest to South Korea in one day for the first time in brewing history

The Index is seen as comprehensive tool to inform ESG assessment and engagement efforts in areas from GHG emissions and water to antibiotics and animal welfare. (Image source: Sergey Bogdanov/Adobe Stock)

The US$19tn-backed FAIRR investor network has identified Asian meat, fish and dairy leaders to meet environmental and social challenges, raising concerns of the poor management of climate emissions, deforestation and antibiotics

(Image source: Omex)

Omex will be exhibiting at KISAN 2019, India’s largest agricultural exhibition, which will be taking place from 11-15 December 2019 at Moshi, Pune

Ag Biotech is a wide-ranging category of agri-foodtech innovation encompassing all on-farm inputs for crop and animal agriculture. (Image source: Pexels/Pixabay)

New research published by technology incubator Idea2scale and Agri-FoodTech venture capital firm AgFunder has revealed that food and AgTech investors are most excited by startups in the Ag Biotechnology category

The ADB programme is set to promote agricultural commercialisation in Nepal. (Image source: 12019/Pixabay)

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a US$50mn policy-based loan to help support the Government of Nepal’s reforms to improve food safety measures, enhance agricultural trade standards, and promote agricultural commercialisation in the country

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