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GODAN seeks to support global efforts to make agricultural and nutrition relevant data available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use worldwide. (Image source: AdobeStock/178755841)

The Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) will participate in the SWAT4LS conference 2018 in Antwerp from 3-6 December, to discuss the benefits of open data in the agricultural sector

During the signing ceremony. (Image source: AURAK)

The American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK) has hosted a signing ceremony to celebrate the new MoU partnership between AURAK and the International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

India’s Ecozen Solutions has won the inaugural Rabobank food loss challenge Asia. (Image source: Rabobank)

India’s Ecozen Solutions has won the inaugural Rabobank Food Loss Challenge Asia, highlighting agri-tech solutions to the growing global problem of food loss and wastage from farm to market

With many agriculture organisations operating in remote regions, where terrestrial networks are not available, satellite communications networks are crucial to achieving the benefits that IIoT has to offer. (Image source: Dana/Flickr)

Improving the environmental sustainability of their operations through the adoption of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies is a crucial priority for organisations in the agriculture sector, according to a new study by Inmarsat, one of the leading providers of global mobile satellite communications

India Crop Model is intended for use by insurers to help them price and assess their exposure within the PMFBY India Crop Insurance scheme. (Image source: Mathieu Schoutteten/Flickr)

JBA Risk Management (JBA), global leader in risk management, has launched a new India Crop catastrophe model for the insurance market

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