
DLG announces winners of EuroTier 2024 Innovation Award

Out of the 255 innovations submitted, 214 fulfilled the criteria, with the commission finally awarding four gold medals and 21 silver medals. (Image source: DLG)

The German Agricultural Society (DLG) recently announced the winners of the EuroTier 2024 Innovation Award that took place from 12-15 November in Hanover, Germany

The award recognises products with a function that has either changed significantly or has significantly improved an existing process. All exhibiting companies are eligible to enter their innovations for the award. Out of the 255 innovations submitted, 214 fulfilled the criteria, with the commission finally awarding four gold medals and 21 silver medals. 

Gold medals

Companies that are awarded a gold medal are evaluated based on five key criteria that includes their significance to practice, animal welfare, advantages for farm and labour management, improvement to the environment and energy supply and their effects on workload and occupational safety. 

The following four companies were awarded gold medals:

  • Cow-Welfare A/S: The Flex Air Stall system from Cow-Welfare supplies fresh air directly into the lying area of individual, lying cows for the first time, therefore supporting effective cooling and helping to prevent heat stress.
  • Förster-Technik GmbH: CalfGPT from Förster-Technik enables voice-controlled, AI-aided data management in the care of calves for the first time and therefore makes calf management significantly easier.
  • MIK INTERNATIONAL GmbH & Co. KG: With the cold plasma mite trap, EX from MIK International GmbH, a technical system for residue-free control of the red poultry mite that has the potential to replace the chemical control methods used so far is now available for the first time. 
  • Agri Advanced Technologies GmbH: The Vaccybot from Agri Advanced Technologies is the first fully automatic vaccination robot for poultry farming and has the potential to replace manual vaccination with needles, which has been the standard procedure to date and is prone to errors. The procedure ensures reduced stress for the animals with a higher vaccination quality and improved animal health at the same time, therefore equating to a genuine reduction of the livestock owner's workload.

Silver medals

Silver medals are awarded to innovations based on their economic significance in practice, advantages in work performance and quality, improvement in functional safety, positive impacts on animal welfare and effects on environment and energy consumption. 

The following 21 companies were awarded silver medals:

  • Zinpro Corporation: Zinpro IsoFerm is a blend of branched-chain, volatile fatty acids whose unpleasant odour has been masked and which can therefore be used as a feed supplement. Based on a cow's metabolic situation, increased fibre digestion and protein synthesis in the rumen are possible, which is reflected in an increase in the milk yield and improved animal health. 
  • AUFRATECH: The EXON Dual and EXON Mini high-pressure lance systems transfer the resulting forces to an exoskeleton, thereby significantly relieving the user during strenuous cleaning work with a high-pressure cleaner.
  • Agri Advanced Technologies GmbH: The eggytiser from Agri Advanced Technologies GmbH uses electron beam sterilisation technology to disinfect hatching eggs, as a result of which disinfection performance is increased and the use of chemical agents is reduced.
  • Spinder Dairy Housing Concepts: The Spinder Track sliding gate system enables a single person to easily and quickly adapt the space available in the cow barn to a changing group size.
  • Gummiwerk KRAIBURG Elastik GmbH & Co. KG: Thanks to a 3% gradient transverse to the walking direction, the espaFLEX slatted floor mat from Gummiwerk Kraiburg ensures the rapid separation of faeces and urine, thereby resulting in drier floors with positive effects on hoof health and with regard to lower ammonia emissions.
  • SILOKING Mayer Maschinenbau GmbH: The Siloking heavy-duty magnet, which is installed in a housing, can be removed together with the adhering foreign bodies from the feed mixer wagon and the foreign bodies can therefore be removed with significantly less risk of injury.
  • URBAN GmbH & Co. KG: Urban SipControl monitors key feeding process parameters for calves and automatically adapts the length and flow rate to the individual animal during the drinking process.
  • HIKO GmbH: The 'Easyfill' feeding bucket lid makes hygienic calf feeding easier, even when using a MilkTaxi, significantly reducing the entry of dirt and flies.
  • BETEBE GmbH: Thanks to automatic baler twine removal, the BETEBE straw express saves working time and ensures greater working time flexibility and improved work quality in cubicle, sloping floor or deep litter sheds thanks to a bale magazine for up to twelve square bales.
  • ATX Suisse GmbH: The ATX heat conducting function for suckling pig nests enables the livestock owner to ensure that the new-born piglets are guided into the warm piglet nest very easily and very quickly in piglet pens for free farrowing.
  • Nooyen Manufacturing B.V. Nooyen Pig Flooring: The Lowered Heated Piglet Nest from Nooyen Pig Flooring stimulates the natural behaviour of the piglets and simulates a depression. Litter or bedding powder can be introduced into the depression without causing excessive losses. The slightly perforated surface removes fluids and the nest remains dry and clean.
  • ASBO BV: The FlexiPigFloor system from ASBO enables the simple, durable, quick and inexpensive repair and needs-based adaptation of existing slatted concrete floors to changed slot width, slot ratio and surface design specifications.
  • Big Dutchman International GmbH (Pig & Poultry): The Sharky430 washing robot from Big Dutchman enables fully automatic cleaning of aviary systems in rearing and laying hen barns, even in places that are difficult to access during manual cleaning.
  • Big Dutchman International GmbH (Pig & Poultry): The semi-automatic MultiVacc vaccination machine from Big Dutchman can simultaneously administer four breast vaccinations and one wing vaccination to an animal held against it in an animal-friendly manner, thereby resulting in improved vaccination safety while simultaneously reducing stress.
  • SKW Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz GmbH together with BETEBE GmbH: The ATMOWELL technology with urease inhibitor from SKW is a combination of various technologies, some of which are familiar, for use on floors in cattle barns and which significantly and specifically reduces ammonia emissions at their point of occurrence in cattle barns.
  • Omegga GmbHThe OmeggaOne system recognises the sex in the egg significantly earlier than before and without the need for interventions into the egg, which could affect the chicks' embryonic development.
  • MS Schippers: HyCare Digital from MS Schippers combines tried-and-tested methods of rodent deterrence with a digital success and reporting structure, and therefore enables targeted, documented rodent management without placing an unnecessary strain on nature and the environment.
  • CowManager GmbH: By means of a sensor-aided algorithm which is capable of machine learning, the CowManager-Youngstock enables predictions regarding the state of health of the calves and thereby improves animal health while simultaneously reducing the use of antibiotics.
  • Big Dutchman International GmbH (Pig & Poultry) and BioCV: The 'BioTag+' sensor ear tag from Big Dutchman and BioCV enables the full sensor-aided recording of animal status data in pigs for the first time, thus facilitating livestock control and leading to increased animal welfare.
  • MSD Tiergesundheit: The 'SenseHub Dairy Youngstock' ear tag sensor records important behavioural parameters of calves around the clock, as a result of which health problems can be detected early on and action recommendations can be derived from the herd management system.
  • Weidemann GmbH: With the 'Follow me' assistance function from Weidemann, a Hoftrac autonomously follows its operator to the location of the next job, meaning that the operator has to climb on and off less frequently.