
EuroTier digital to focus on reducing emissions in livestock farming

From 9-12 February, more than 1,400 exhibitors will be on hand on the digital business platform. (Image source: DLG)

On the topic of emissions arising from animal husbandry, the digital technical programme accompanying EuroTier digital, 9-12 February, offers a technical focal point for visitors in the new DLG spotlight ‘Emission Control’

Exhibitors, organisations and other livestock experts in more than 25 presentations will be showcasing solutions and innovations in feeding, housing, ventilation and manure treatment that not only help to minimise ammonia in the housing, but also prevent it from occurring in the first place. The German federal ministry of food and Agriculture (BMEL), together with the German office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), will be showing the latest results from research projects on this topic.

Livestock farmers will be able to benefit from the knowledge gained in this DLG Spotlight, applying it to help meet reduction targets in their regions. Reduction in ammonia emission is also an important goal for the EU within the Green Deal.

From 9-12 February, more than 1,400 exhibitors will be on hand on the digital business platform to present information about their range of products and services in real time, face to face via computer.

No special technical equipment is required to visit “EuroTier digital”. To take part a simple computer or laptop with video and audio functions is required. A ticket, which is valid for multiple visits over four days, is available for purchase online. English or German, or both, will be the working languages of these events.

Topics in the ‘Emission Control’ programme – please check exact dates and timings in the preparation week preceding the actual event.

Preliminary programme:

9 February

New technology cuts farm emissions in food supply chain
Organiser: N2 – Applied

Get full control of your feed production!
Organiser: FOSS Analytical A/S

Cow toilet and compost dairy barns - How to get rid of manure!
Organiser: Hanskamp

Comparison of different processing methods in slurry and digestate treatment – Which technology to use?
Organiser: WEHRLE Umwelt GmbH

Emission measurements in dairy and finishing pig housing - Project EmiDaT
Organiser: KTBL / EmiDaT

Biocontrol & Ecosystem Balance for Poultry, Pigs, Ruminants & Aquaculture thanks to Nolivade Innovative Products & Services

10 February

AMINONIR Portable - NIR analytics goes mobile
Organiser: Evonik Industries AG

Nutrient supply and excretion of N and P in pig production under control?
Organiser: DLG Working Group “Feed & Feeding” including the German federal working group of feeding experts

Opportunities of reducing the environmental footprint of African smallholder livestock systems
Organiser: GIZ/International Liverstock Research Institute (ILRI)

Retrofit solution for in-stall acidification of liquid manure - Project SAFT
Organiser: BLE; University of Bonn

Efficient manure treatment and reduction in ammonia and methane emissions; manure storage capacities with simultaneous P-recycling – Project: ASAP
Organiser: BLE; University of Bonn

Get full control of your feed production!
Video: FOSS Analytical A/S

Practical solutions to reduce ammonia emissions in dairy housing
Video: Gummiwerke Kraiburg

Reducing CO2 Emissions in Livestock
Organiser: DonauSoja and Edeka Südwest

11 February

Manure is Gold - Separation as the key to success
Organiser: Bauer GmbH

Emission reduction in pig farming in line with improved animal husbandry - Vision Pig project
Video presentation: Organiser: BLE; Prignitzer Landschwein GmbH & Co KG; Vision 360agrar GmbH

N- and P-reduced feeding methods to reduce the nutrient excretion of dairy cattle
Organiser: DLG Working Group “Feed & Feeding” with federal working group of feeding Experts

Expert Talk: Emission Reduction in Animal Welfare Pig Houses - Experiences from Austria and Germany
Organiser: Schauer Agrotonic GmbH

Emission reduction measures in dairy and fattening pig barns - Project EmiMin
Organiser: KTBL e.V.

12 February

New FIBL Study: CO2 Reduction in German Egg Production
Organiser: DonauSoja and Edeka/Geflügelhof Aigner

eMissionCow - Breeding for feed efficiency and reduced methane emissions in dairy cattle
Organiser: BLE; Förderverein Bioökonomieforschung e.V.

ReMissionDairy - Reduction of methane and nitrogen emissions in dairy production through innovative feeding control and management
Organiser: BLE; German Association for Performance and Quality Testing e.V.

Cow toilet and compost dairy barn - How to get rid of manure!
Organiser: Hanskamp

Practical solutions to reduce ammonia emissions in dairy barns
Video: Gummiwerke Kraiburg

The DLG (German Agricultural Society), organiser of EuroTier, is a non-profit and politically independent society to further know-how in agriculture for the benefit of the farmers. The technical programme plays an important role. For “EuroTier digital” 9-12 February 2021, the DLG, under the leadership of its 25 professionals working with more than 500 people with experience in many different livestock spheres, has put together a technical programme of more than 300 events and talks on topics that are relevant to livestock professionals.