
New technical TV programme for pig farmers launched at EuroTier digital

The new DLG-Spotlights Pig offers both a wide range of information on current practical issues as well as expert knowledge. (Image source: DLG)

EuroTier digital has announced the launch a new digital technical programme with video sessions and virtual pig farm visits – expert knowledge for the international livestock industry – from 9-12 February 2021

The new DLG-Spotlights Pig offers both a wide range of information on current practical issues as well as expert knowledge. The DLG-Spotlights Pig will be part of DLG’s technical programme that accompanies EuroTier digital.

At the DLG events within the technical programme, which take place as interactive video conferences on the digital trade fair platform in the “Technical Programme” area, visitors can take part in the discussions with the speakers, live via chat. On 11 February, the presentations events from the “DLG Winter Conference 2021 digital” will also form part of the EuroTier technical programme. The DLG Winter Conference, which takes place at the start of each year, is an important event for DLG’s many farming members, as it provides vital indicators for the mood and direction for the current year ahead.

In addition to specialist lectures and presentations, live connections for “virtual livestock farm visits” are planned. The subject of animal welfare is the focus of the many events. English or German, or both, will be the working languages of these events.

To participate in EuroTier digital, a computer with video and audio functions is required. A ticket, which is valid for multiple visits over four days, is available for purchase online. Visitors who have registered for the “DLG Winter Conference digital” will receive access via a voucher code.

Information about the technical programme and registration for EuroTier digital at