
India aims to boost its poultry industry. (Image source: United Soybean Board/Flickr)

VIV Leadership Conference India is all set to be held from 26-27 October 2018, in Kochi, located in the southern part of India, focussing on the challenges and opportunities in the region’s poultry production industry

The conference will assemble international leaders to discuss the development of China’s animal husbandry industry. (Image source: VIV China)

VIV China, the international trade fair that runs every two years covering animal production and processing from feed to food, is all set to open in Nanjing from 17-19 September 2018

The event is expected to be 1.5 times larger in scale compared with last year. (Image source: UBM Asia Ltd)

The Livestock Taiwan Expo & Forum is returning for its second edition with themed pavilions to target specific visitors

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