
OKU 9488 1500x630Dr. Piet Simons, Former President of WPSA and Expert on Microbial Resistance speaks on the way of reducing antibiotics in poultry ahead of ILTEX 2017 in Jakarta, taking place in October 

Daniel Ramires Wei Wang Boon Kee Chew Glenn FerriolAs the Asean market is preparing itself for increased regulation on the usage of antibiotics in animal feed, key decision makers of the poultry industry gathered at the Broiler Feed Conferences held in Bangkok (16-17 August) and Jakarta (21-22 August)

The Memorandum of Agreement for the establishment of the IRRI South Asia Regional Center (ISARC) was signed by IRRI Director General Matthew Morell (right) and DAC&FW Secretary S.K. Pattanayak (left). With them is Minister Radha Mohan Singh (Agriculture and Farmers Welfare). [Image source: IRRI]

The government of India and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) further bolsters their partnership to ensure food and nutrition security and capacity development in the South Asian region

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