
CMT will host 7th Palm Oil & Rubber Summit from 19-21 October 2015 in Karbi, Thailand, which will examine the new era of full supply chain traceability and challenges for the palm oil industry in Asia as well as volatile prices in the rubber industry

VICTAM 2014 was held at BITEC last year, and drew more than 6,000 industry executives. (Image source: VICTAM International B.V.)

Thailand will host the 25th edition of VICTAM at the Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Centre (BITEC) from 29-31 March 2016

There were several exhibitors and visitors at the show, including from nations such as Australia, China, Thailand, Turkey and Russia. (Image source: Victam International BV)

The FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS exhibition concluded in Cologne, Germany in June 2015, and was considered a success by visitors, exhibitors and organisers alike

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