
Vietnam set to emerge as leading global aquaculture player

The event is set to cover all sectors of the aquaculture, fisheries and seafood sector. (Image source: WorldFish/Flickr)

Aquaculture Vietnam is all set to be held from 16-18 October 2019 at the Can Tho International Exhibition Fair Centre (EFC), Can Tho, Vietnam, focussing o the challenges and opportunities in the aquaculture sector in the region as well as across the globe

Organised by UBM Asia, the show is expected to present the latest innovations in aquaculture, fisheries and seafood, for the whole value chain from production to processing and packaging to plate.

With a diverse number of aquaculture species, Can Tho City’s aquaculture production is estimated around 150,000 tonnes. Can Tho University is one of the country’s leading units doing research in aquaculture and fisheries. The city is striving to achieve the 10-year programme that amounts to US$1bn in annual aquaculture exports in order to prove itself as one of the largest aquaculture provinces in Vietnam.

With a coastline of more than 3,260-km and numerous islands and bays, Vietnam has a huge geographic potential for the thriving fishery sector. Over the past few years, the fisheries sector plays an important role as the key sector of the country’s economy.

The Government of Vietnam aims to turn the country into a global leading seafood exporter which is set out in the country’s fisheries development strategy plan 2020. Under this plan, the seafood industry is expected to contribute 30-35 per cent to the country’s agro-forestry-fisheries GDP, according to SEAFDEC.

More than 6,000 delegates and more than 150 local, regional and international exhibitors from 20 countries are expected to attend the event, covering all sectors of the aquaculture, fisheries and seafood sector including big data and other IT services; biosecurity equipment; breeding and hatchery equipment; cold chain equipment; export inspection and quarantine services; farm equipment and supplies; feed and feed additives; feed processing equipment; feeding equipment; fishing equipment; food safety; hygiene and traceability solutions; logistics services; media and trade publications; pharmaceutical products and vaccines; seafood importers; traders and wholesalers; seafood processing and packaging equipment; water analysis and treatment and others.