

Skylo and FISHCOPFED will work together to improve the welfare of fishermen and fish farmers to increase profits for the fishing community by using IoT technology. (Image source: Adobe stock)

Skylo, the world’s first and most affordable end-to-end narrowband IoT solution, and India’s National Federation of Fishers Cooperatives Ltd. (FISHCOPFED), have partnered to deliver Skylo’s IoT-based solutions to marine fishing and aquaculture sectors

Nutreco invests in Proteon Pharmaceuticals to reduce the reliance on antibiotics within aquaculture and livestock farming. (Image source: Adobe stock)

Proteon Pharmaceuticals has announced an investment of US$24mn to accelerate commercialisation of its products, which aim to reduce the reliance on antibiotics within aquaculture and livestock farming

WFP’s school meals programme promotes access to education through nutrition and helps to break the circle of poverty and malnutrition. (Image source: World Food Programme)

A contribution of fish that are high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, mackerel are being supplied by government of Japan (WFP) to 270,000 pupils in the most food-insecure regions, supported by World Food Programme (WFP)

Probiotic additive for shrimp farming expands Evoniks system solution for aquaculture. (Image source: Adobe stock)

Developed by Evonik and the Qingdao Vland Biotech Group, AQUAVI ProPond is part of a system solution from Evonik Animal Nutrition for shrimp in aquaculture that can reduce the need for marine feed sources and significantly improve water quality and animal health

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