

Cattle herds in Indonesia are set to thrive under a new investment scheme. (Image source: Keith Weller)

Small farmers in Indonesia are benefiting from expert advice and new techniques from a grass roots breeding programme 

The US is the only country that currently imports more beef than China. (Image source: kariphoto)

China is seeking to import the high-protein, low-fat meat in bigger quantities from Brazil with the country experiencing a widening production deficit as mports are heading for a record

Cargill is also partnering with Saigon International Terminals Vietnam to build a dedicated grain and oilseeds warehousing facilities in Phu My. (Image Source: wattpublishing/Flickr)

Cargill has announced plans to construct a new US$30mn animal feed mill in Binh Duong province

Food prices rose in May as dairy gained more ground. (Image source: Spinelli/Flickr)

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has assured the global food commodity markets are on a stable path for the year ahead with firm production prospects and abundant stocks

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