

The company expects to begin shipping in volume in the third quarter of 2024. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Following rigorous development and testing, leader in molecular sensing and diagnostics, Alveo Technologies, Inc (Alveo) recently announced that the Flockscreen LAMP Avian Influenza Molecular Test was capable of accurately detecting the presence of virus in both cloacal and oropharyngeal samples from poultry with comparable limit of detection, sensitivity and specificity

The HPAI panzootic virus has spread to not only cattle, but at least 47 other mammalian species, resulting in the destruction of more than half a billion poultry worldwide. One among the many significant drawbacks that make current agricultural tests unsuitable for these HPAI use cases, includes the lengthy processing time required to obtain a result from polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Moreover, vaccinating birds can cause their serology tests to turn positive despite not being infected. In addition, lateral flow, also known as antigen or instant tests, lacks sensitivity and produces a significant percentage of false negative results.

However, Alveo's portable and rugged molecular diagnostic platform has been designed to provide accurate, rapid test results at the point of need. It functions as a core component of a notifiable disease electronic management ecosystem that the company and its strategic partners have developed to support producers, as well as governmental bodies who are looking to expand the surveillance of important zoonotic pathogens. 

Two multiplexed panels enable the on-site broad detection of Avian Influenza Type A virus (targeting matrix gene) in poultry with differentiation of H5, H7 and H9 subtypes using oropharyngeal or cloacal samples. Both panels contain seven assays, six of which are identical between cartridges. This configuration ensures the greatest coverage of the most clinically relevant global AI strains from the past 5-10 years, through to the current strains. The platform's rugged design enables it to function in the field under extreme conditions, including very hot and near freezing temperatures, following a drop of one metre, and when subjected to movement and vibration, which are common challenges encountered in field settings. 

During their evaluation of over 100 candidate primer sets and assay conditions, Alveo and their development partners performed more than 20,000 reactions on over 4000 assay cartridges using both contrived and clinical samples.

"Our platform makes it simple to test for HPAI in poultry and we will be the first diagnostic of its kind that can test both cloacal and oropharyngeal samples," said CEO of Alveo, Shaun Holt. "Our rugged design enables healthcare providers, veterinarians, growers, and public health officials to obtain rapid results at point of need so they can take immediate action."

The product will be validated and verified by relevant regulatory bodies prior to shipment. Shipping of the product, which is currently available for pre-sale in Europe and the Middle East, is set to begin in the third quarter of 2024.

The extensive research and data compiled in the Actisaf Sc 47 LCAs underscore its pivotal role in advancing sustainable farming practices. (Image source: Phileo by Lesaffre)

Developed by Phileo by Lesaffre, Actisaf Sc 47 offers groundbreaking solutions for both dairy and beef production systems, thereby enhancing animal health and welfare, while minimising environmental impact

Being the first yeast probiotic to showcase strong ISO-compliant evidence of environmental benefits, Actisaf Sc 47 serves as a pioneering solution for farmers seeking to improve the sustainability of their dairy farming operations and sets a new standard in yeast probiotics feed supplements

A comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study was conducted by Phileo by Lesaffre in collaboration with Blonk consultants. Results from the study showed that incorporating Actisaf Sc 47 into dairy diets can lead to a reduction in carbon footprint by up to 5%, primarily due to enhanced feed efficiency. 

A separate LCA study on fattening period in beef was conducted in 2022. Results from the study demonstrated significant reductions in CO2 impact ranging from 3.8% to 6.6%, thereby highlighting Actisaf Sc 47’s efficacy in optimising feed efficiency and minimising environmental footprint in beef production systems.

As the agricultural sector evolves to meet global environmental challenges, Actisaf Sc 47 continues to drive positive change and foster a more sustainable future for farming communities worldwide.

The Alltech U.S. Pork Team has introduced Levelset, an innovative solution designed to reinforce gut health in pigs. (Image source: Alltech)

Levelset, an innovative solution manufactured by Ridley Feed Ingredients was designed to reinforce pig gut health and has recently been introduced by the Alltech US Pork Team at the World Pork Expo, which took place from 5-6 June at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa 

Levelset’s blend of key technologies synergistically supports natural resistance against diarrhea challenges while enhancing overall enteric health. The product is designed for maximum impact during three different life stages of production namely, pre-farrow sows, suckling pigs and weaned pigs, thus making it an exceptional tool in any production strategy.

“Across the industry, pathogen resistance is an ever-growing challenge, and solutions to reduce reliance on conventional antibiotics are of critical importance,” said Andy Rash, general manager of Alltech’s US swine business. “Levelset is an innovative blend of carefully developed technologies that minimises undesirable organisms within the gut, thus promoting the overall health and productivity of pigs.”

Cattle consume feed supplemented with CH4 Global’s Methane Tamer, Beef Feedlot version. (Image source: CH4 Global)

CH4 Global's methane-reducing feed additive, Methane Tamer has been fed to first group of cattle, the company along with CirPro Australia announced today

At a feedlot in South Australia, 70 cattle were fed Methane Tamer for 100 days, whereby an estimated 105 metric tons of CO2-equivalent emissions were avoided. This is equal to the amount of carbon sequestered by more than 1,700 tree saplings for 10 years.     

Moreover, the cattle that were fed Methane Tamer showed same levels of weight gain as the control group, although they consumed less feed per day. This indicated a significant improvement in feed conversion efficiency

Methane Tamer works by harnessing the power of Asparagopsis seaweed that feed studies have shown up to 90% reduction in enteric methane emissions. CH4 Global has fine-tuned Methane Tamer Beef Feedlot so that farmers and feedlots can seamlessly integrate it into their operations, and guarantee a minimum of 70% methane reductions.

"Together with our partners, we are significantly increasing the number of cattle consuming Methane Tamer while also establishing the ability to export this reduced-methane beef to meet growing global demand," said CH4 Global CEO, Steve Meller.

Nemasphere is currently pending regulatory approval and is anticipated to be available in 2028. (Image source: BASF)

BASF Agricultural Solutions introduces Nemasphere, a groundbreaking innovation in soybean cyst nematode (SCN) management 

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the number one yield-robbing pest in soybeans in the US, costing growers an estimated US$1.5bn in yield annually. Moreover, the effectiveness of native SCN traits is declining significantly. 

After decades of longing for a solution to protect their fields from SCN, farmers have finally received Nemasphere, a tool to go on offense against this invisible threat. 

Nemasphere, which will be stacked with the Enlist E3 technology, will produce a novel Cry14 protein that is ingested by nematodes. This protein will interfere with nutrient uptake in their intestines, thus leading to the nematodes’ death. 

Nemasphere will be available in a full range of the top-performing and best-yielding soybean seed varieties, allowing farmers unmatched SCN resistance without compromising yield potential. Research trials have shown that Nemasphere on average, boosts yield potential by 8%. 

With increasing SCN resistance to native traits, the yield gap tends to widen every year. In such cases, the boost Nemasphere delivers in bushels will be critical to help growers hit their full harvest potential and make it possible to achieve full genetic yield potential. 

Nemasphere is currently pending regulatory approval and is anticipated to be available in 2028. 

For more information, visit: www.agriculture.basf.com 

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