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It is suspected that the disease is largely unreported, in Asia and Latin America. (Image Source: aadtje/Flickr)

Governments, scientists and producers have expressed the need for a consensus on ways to fight acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) in cultured shrimp

Vaccination against the disease can also lead to better growth performance, lower mortality and improved feed conversion ratio.Vacciantion agaisnt the disease can also lead to better growth performance, lower mortality and improved feed conversion ratio.

CIRCOVAC, vaccine introduced by multinational animal health company, protects pigs from porcine circovirus associated disease (PCVD)

The device showed promise in optimising the process and reducing the time to brain death. (Image Source: erringreg/Flickr)

A PhD research student at UK’s University of Glasgow has successfully created a ‘neck dislocation glove’, which aims to humanely kill chicken in poultry farms

Food prices rose in May as dairy gained more ground. (Image source: Spinelli/Flickr)

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has assured the global food commodity markets are on a stable path for the year ahead with firm production prospects and abundant stocks

Year-on-year shrimp value in the US fell by 3.4 per cent. (Image Source: Jacqueline Macou/Pixabay)

The latest figures from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have revealed that Indonesia is the top shrimp exporter to the US in April 2016 despite a 15.5 per cent drop in its exports

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