

The Asian shrimp industry has lost at least US$20bn over the last decade as a result of disease, Fish Vet Group senior scientist Andy Shinn revealed at the TARS conference

Cattle herds in Indonesia are set to thrive under a new investment scheme. (Image source: Keith Weller)

Small farmers in Indonesia are benefiting from expert advice and new techniques from a grass roots breeding programme 

The US is the only country that currently imports more beef than China. (Image source: kariphoto)

China is seeking to import the high-protein, low-fat meat in bigger quantities from Brazil with the country experiencing a widening production deficit as mports are heading for a record

The study tried to understand how lighting affected poultry welfare overall. (Image source: cowgirljules/Flickr)

A University of Georgia study has shown that extended lighting periods help enhance welfare and production of big broilers during high temperatures

Dr. Teck explained that water quality is key in enhancing both the aquaculture and agriculture industry. (Image source: praveen)

Raub, a district in the Malaysian city of Pahang, is set to benefit from a new aquaculture and agriculture centre, following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) earlier this year

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