
Centaco Group to enhance operations in Thailand with new Pas Reform hatchery

(From left) Harm Langen, Somnuk Hophaisarn, Bas Kanters, Nadine Lauvoravitaya, Veerasak Wuthiwaropas and Bart Aangenendt. (Image source: Centaco)

Thailand’s agribusiness enterprise Centaco Group has announced plans to fully expand its integrated operation in the country with a new hatchery from Pas Reform

The new hatchery will be equipped with Pas Reform’s advanced SmartPro single stage incubators, a SmartCenter hatchery information system and hatchery automation system (HAS).

After the launch, the new hatchery will be the 12th wholly-owned subsidiary of Centaco, covering a range of operations such as grandparent stock breeding, farming, feed mill, manufacturing of animal health products, poultry processing and the manufacturing of cooked foods.

Somnuk Hophaisarn from Goodspeed International (Pas Reform’s representative in Thailand) and Bas Kanters, sales director have worked closely with Centaco to plan the new hatchery. Hophaisarn said, “Centaco is an impressive company, with more than 3,000 employees, who hold strong values and an absolute commitment to quality throughout its operations. Pas Reform is delighted to have won this contract and we look forward to working with the Centaco team to achieve its continuing plans for growth and further development in the future.”

The SmartSetPro setters will incorporate Adaptive Metabolic Feedback (AMF), to fine-tune incubation environments to the needs of growing embryos and Energy Saving Modules (ESM) to reduce energy consumption.

Additionally, the SmartHatchPro hatchers will be equipped with SmartWatch to monitor and adjust the hatching process automatically – from transfer through to the hatch of the last chicks in each cycle, with SmartCenter hatchery information software to monitor and record every event during the incubation process.

Pas Reform has also agreed to provide hatchery management training for Centaco personnel, with ongoing service and technical support from the Pas Reform Academy.