
IRTA highlights effective hatchery management practices

IRTA features important aspects of effective hatchery management. (Image source: Aviagen)

The seventh annual Indian River Training Academy (IRTA) has featured the important aspects of effective hatchery management, which was aimed at helping Indian River customers maximise quality chick output, as well as business profitability

Aviagen discussed topics relevant in the hatchery including egg handling from the farm to the incubator, temperature control and other incubation essentials and chick holding and transportation. The training also addressed critical issues such as effective In Ovo vaccination, hatcher conditions, ventilation and hatching hygiene.

To encourage interaction and engagement, the presentations were combined with hands-on exercises, as well as opportunities for students to ask questions and offer their own ideas and input.

Benefits to Indian River customers

Ishtiaq Ahmed, CEO Poultry and Feed, Kazi Farms Ltd, commented, “Aviagen makes a considerable effort to develop the skills and knowledge of its customers. The topics presented at IRTA were very useful to our business, and so far we’ve implemented one important improvement.”

“This useful and comprehensive conference covered very important hatchery practices - from handling the hatching egg to using hatchery data effectively. The combination of practical sessions, along with the workshop topics and discussions, was a very effective way to learn,” noted Luay Ghassan Khaled Jaber, quality control manager and deputy manager of hatcheries for the Arab Company for Livestock Development (ACOLID) in Jordan.

“IRTA 2018 was an amazing training experience. We left the sessions motivated to share with our people what we've learned to work together to improve our hatchery operation,” concluded Nestor Alcantara, hatchery production manager, Visayas operations, Bounty Fresh.