
Pas Reform holds training programme for poultry producers in Indonesia

The training created a platform for delegates to form constructive measures for improving hatchery performance in their own, specific environments. (Image source: Pas Reform)

In collaboration with FoodTechIndonesia (FTI), Pas Reform Academy recently hosted first series of breeder and hatchery management training initiatives for Indonesian poultry professionals as part of a public-private partnership to support improvement and growth in the country’s poultry sector

Alongside FTI partners from Hendrix Genetics, Van Eck Industrial Hygiene and Larive, Pas Reform Academy led a four-day training programme in Surabaya for more than 20 farm and hatchery managers from the region.

With many of the delegates working for companies in Eastern Java, participants included hatchery managers, breeder farm managers and poultry professionals from PT Dinamika Megatama Citra (DMC), AS Putra, PT Surya Inti Pratama, PT Janu Putra Group, Panca Patriot Prima, CV Putra Prima Mandiri, PT Sapta Karya Megah, Tanjung Mulya, PT Sumber Unggas Jaya and PT Sierad Produce.

Interactive presentations and hands-on training were led by Marleen Boerjan, director of Pas Reform Academy and senior poultry specialist Gerd de Lange, with additional presentations by Peter van de Laar from Van Eck Industrial Hygiene and Willie Blokvoort and Erwan Julianto from ISA.

With a focus on hatchability, embryo mortality patterns, chick quality and recognising weaknesses in egg handling and procedures, the training created a platform for delegates to form constructive measures for improving hatchery performance in their own, specific hatchery environments.

Bas Kanters, sales director Indonesia, said, “Working in close collaboration with FTI and our consortium partners, Pas Reform Academy was able to deliver practical training that was closely tailored to the local region with a complete understanding of the challenges and questions that face local hatcheries.

“With this kind of region-specific, selective training, local farm and hatchery managers are being supported on the most practical level to take control of their hatchery processes and conditions, to fully maximise the potential of their breeding operations.”

FoodTechIndonesia and Pas Reform Academy have also signed off on additional training events with at least two further hatchery management training courses to be held in Medan and Jakarta in 2015 and 2016.