
Sun Daily and HatchTech to build super-size layer hatchery in China

The hatchery for layers will have a total capacity to incubate 125mn eggs per year. (Image source: Livestock & Poultry Environmental Learning Centre/Flickr)

China-based Sun Daily Farms and HatchTech Group have announced to build a super-size layer hatchery in the country’s Guizhou Province

The announcement came during VIV Europe, held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 20-22 June 2018.

Sun Daily is a leading producer of table eggs in the higher quality segment. In cooperation with the provincial government in Guizhou, the company will build a super-size hatchery for layers with a total capacity to incubate 125mn eggs per year.

The new hatchery will be built in the city of Songtao. The project is expected to be up and running in the Q3 2019 and will be fully equipped with HatchTech Incubation Technology: HT MicroClimer Setters and Hatchers, HT Fumigation, HT Chick Storage Room, HT Cooling & Heating, HT Ventilation, HT Water Treatment, HT Cleaning Equipment.

The day old chicks will be transported in five HatchTech chick transport vehicles, known as HatchTraveller, aiming to assure that the large number of high-quality layer chicks is transported under the best possible conditions.