
New sea-water monitoring system boosts aquaculture industry in Vietnam

A water monitoring station in Xuan Dai Bay in Vietnam. (Image source: UTS)

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) has entered into partnership with Vietnam National University and Ho Chi Minh University of Technology to create a real-time sea-water monitoring system in Xuan Dai Bay, Vietnam

Besides its potential to be used in sites across Vietnam, the technology is also used globally, given that the system is scalable and non-site specific. The team is also actively seeking new partners to help them realise its full potential.

The project employs the latest Industry 4.0 technologies such as Internet of Things (IOT), data analytics, and mechatronics. The advanced technology monitors temperature, acidity, ammonia, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and turbidity, providing real-time data to farmers. Moreover, the system is also capable of  withstanding harsh conditions, offering alerts for timely decision-making. The monitoring stations, the first of its kind in Vietnam, are now permanent fixtures in the bay. The research team hopes the application of IoT platforms for coastal water system management in Phú Yên will just be the start.

"Aquaculture is an important industry in Vietnam, generating an income of US$7.18bn per year. But while it can have rich economic rewards for farmers and the regions they live in, it can be a precarious livelihood," said Professor Eryk Dutkiewicz, chief investigator of the project at UTS.

Le Tan Ho, vice president of Phu Yen province, who was impressed with both the UTS team and the results of the project, stated that the information provided by the project had been invaluable for decision making. "The data from the realtime seawater monitoring system allows the local government to assess and better plan aquaculture and other activities like tourism towards the sustainable social and economic development goals while protecting environment and coping with global climate changes, especially in coastal areas," Le Tan Ho said.