
Clariant launches solutions to detoxify animal feed

Clairant aims to improve animal health and the production of food through the launch of TOXISORB. (Image source: Yumian Deng/Flickr)

Swiss specialty chemicals firm Clariant has launched TOXISORB Classic and TOXISORB Premium, which can naturally detoxify livestock feedstuff

The company said in a statement that TOXISORB Classic and TOXISORB Premium deactivate mycotoxins present in the feedstuff. Thus, it improves the animal’s health and makes their meat and dairy produce safer.

Mycotoxins are chemicals produced by fungi that are harmful to an animal’s health and its overall growth potential. The mycotoxins can also lead to serious illness in animals, which eventually can affect a farmer’s milk or meat productivity.

According to the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), about 25 per cent of feed worldwide is critically contaminated by mycotoxins.

Tobias Kahr, regional sales manager EMEA Business Unit Functional Minerals at Clariant, said, “TOXISORB Classic is the all-rounder for the adsorptive removal of Aflatoxins – the most harmful toxin in animal feed. TOXISORB Premium can remove up to 90 per cent of toxins including those in the digestive tract.”

Kahr further noted that the firm’s approach for eliminating toxic substances in a natural manner is an important step in creating more sustainable farming and addressing the global food challenge.