

The partnership aims to address sustainable agriculture, climate change, land management, and risk mitigation for drought and floods for small farmers in remote communities. (Image source: Farmer Charlie)

Kacific, a satellite operator providing high-speed broadband internet service for the South East Asia and Pacific Islands regions and Farmer Charlie, an enabler of connectivity, data and agribusiness to remote smallholder farmers globally, have partnered to grow agricultural output and support sustainable development across South East Asia and the Pacific

The consortium aims to build the capacity of institutions and enhance skills, to scale-up climate-smart strategies and technologies. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and SAARC Development Fund (SDF) have launched a partnership for scaling-up climate-smart agriculture in South Asia

Arrigoni’s presence at the EIMA derived a lot of positives from its customers, according to its marketing manager, Davide Daresta. (Image source: Arrigoni)

Davide Daresta, marketing manager at Arrigoni, an agrotextile and techtextile manufacturer from Italy speaks to Far Eastern Agriculture about the company’s projects and plans in place for East Asia and Africa

AgTech works towards the establishing of a digital agricultural supply chain. (Image source: FarmERP)

‘Technology’ as a broad concept has always had a large role to play when it comes to easing out tensions and crinkles in age-old systems

Bühler has a global network of application and training centres in 24 locations. (Image source: Bühler)

The Bühler global application centre network is up and running

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