
Biobest introduces new adaptable automated dispenser Entomatic

Offering fast and even distribution of beneficials in a wide range of glasshouse crops, Entomatic is Biobests new adaptable automated dispenser. (Image source: Biobest)

Designed to help growers improve efficiency through reducing labour cost, Biobests new adaptable automated dispenser Entomatic, helps ensure even distribution of beneficials in the crop, thus helping to optimise overall control

Frank Selman, site manager at leading Dutch strawberry producer, Royal Berry, stated that Entomatic posessed several features that delivered benefits of great importance to strawberry growers. “With less chemical crop protection products available, biocontrol is becoming increasingly important in strawberry production. More biology means you need more labour, especially when releasing beneficials. This is nicely tackled with the Entomatic automated biology dispenser. It applies beneficials many times faster and is less labour-intensive,” said Selman.

He also explained that compared to handheld devices, the distribution of biocontrols throughout the greenhouse was also a lot more even. Moreover, employing Entomatic ensures that the spreading pattern at the start and end of the day is the same, something that is challenging to achieve with manual applications.  

“Entomatic runs very smoothly," said Selman. "Here at Royal Berry, we are continuously using it. The dispensing speed can be fully adjusted to suit the different ways of applying beneficials. You can even adjust the language on the display, which is highly convenient for our non-Dutch speaking crop workers. All in all, we have nothing but positive feedback.”