
CDP recognises CNH Industrial for tackling climate change

CDP uses a detailed and independent methodology to evaluate these companies. (Image source: Tom Fisk/Pexels)

CDP, an international non-profit organisation that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and conserve water resources, has recognised CNH Industrial as a global leader in corporate sustainability by including it on the prestigious CDP ‘A List’ to address climate change

Furthermore, CNH Industrial scored an A- in the CDP’s Water Security’ A List’. 

Suzanne Heywood, chair and acting CEO, CNH Industrial NV, said, “We are ever mindful of the impact that our actions have on our planet. That’s why we have worked hard to develop alternative propulsion technologies, and to implement new working practices in our world-class manufacturing and logistics programmes, which are cutting greenhouse gas emissions. We’re keen to do our part to bring about the low-carbon future that the planet needs.”

This year some 9,600 companies have disclosed to CDP data on their environmental impacts, risks and opportunities for independent assessment of their methodology. More than 515 investors with more than US$106 trillion in assets and more than 150 major purchasing organisations with US$4 trillion in purchasing power were asked to do so in 2020. CNH Industrial is one of a small number of high-performing companies out of more than 5,800 that were scored.

CDP uses a detailed and independent methodology to evaluate these companies. This assigns a score of A to D- based on the comprehensiveness of the disclosure, awareness and management of environmental risks. It also considers best practices in environmental governance, such as setting ambitious and meaningful targets.

These latest results follow CNH Industrial’s tenth consecutive year as the Industry Leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World and Europe. As of 30 November 2020, CNH Industrial was awarded ISS ESG Prime status and is included in the following indexes: MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes1, ECPI Global Agriculture Liquid, ECPI World ESG Equity, ECPI Global Developed ESG Best-in-Class, ECPI Euro ESG Equity, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120, STOXX Global ESG Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Environmental Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Social Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Governance Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Impact Index, STOXX Global Low Carbon Footprint Index, STOXX Global Reported Low Carbon Index2, Refinitiv Diversity & Inclusion Index, and Integrated Governance Index (IGI).