
Marel Poultry’s TrayTrack to give total control to poultry processors

Marel Poultry’s TrayTrack. (Image source: Marel Poultry)

Once trays have been filled with product, poultry processors often face problems of how to transport them to packaging equipment elsewhere in the plant, and TrayTrack, a unique automated solution from Marel Poultry, may have a solution to this challenging logistical problem

The system intelligently distributes trays filled with an end product to downstream packaging equipment. It can handle multiple jobs and can buffer trays inline, all with no labour involved and traceability ensured.

TrayTrack aims to give poultry processors total control over their processes. The system consists of an overhead conveyor equipped with special carriers where trays are loaded and unloaded automatically. Tray Track is controlled by intelligent software, which distributes trays intelligently over multiple sealing or wrapping and labelling lines in the packaging department.


Finding people to work in poultry processing plants is a world-wide problem. This is driving automation, which now also extends to logistics and process interfaces. TrayTrack aims to handle high speeds and does away with the disadvantages of manual labour, offline buffering as well as capacity and productivity issues. Even the cleaning and drying process is automated, said the company.

Intelligent software

Integrated Innova software directs trays to the packaging lines, deciding when and where each tray is unloaded. The aim is to match the flow of filled trays as efficiently as possible to available sealing and labelling equipment. TrayTrack is able to buffer trays inline and deliver them right on time at the proper unloading station, ensuring that packaging lines are always kept fully and correctly fed.


Today’s consumers want to know where their food has come from, even the farm where their chicken was raised. Usually, the tracking process of individual products in a poultry plant stops once products are unshackled. Using TrayTrack, products keep fully traceable from the moment they are loaded onto trays until these trays have been sealed and labelled.


Unlike a system of conveyor belts, TrayTrack can handle multiple jobs simultaneously. Carriers can hold trays of different sizes with different products. According to production needs, TrayTrack will choose the best available sealing and labelling line for each tray, no matter what its size or contents.

Unlike belts, TrayTrack is based on an overhead conveyor and does not take up valuable floor space or need a floor plan. Hanging up above at a safe height, it does not get in the way of existing flows of people or product.