
Pöttinger launches new LION 403 C and LION 503 C folding power harrows

Both LION models operate with four rotors per metre of working width. (Image source: Pöttinger)

Pöttinger, the specialist for tillage and seed drill technology, has launched the new LION 403 C and LION 503 C folding power harrows with working widths of 4.0 and 5.0m

Powered by tractors of up to 320hp, these two models are equipped for the toughest jobs.

The folding frame concept has been optimised to meet the latest requirements: The headstock and the entire folding frame are mounted on the machine. The result is a short and compact power harrow that is up to 30 cm shorter than any of the others. As a result, the centre of gravity is closer to the rear axle, and the weight acting on the front axle is noticeably more positive. Both models fold to an outer width of 2.55 m so that transport on the road is no problem.

As tractor power continues to increase, so does the range of applications. While power harrows can be used solo for seedbed preparation, now more flexibility is needed. The answer is to make it possible to combine the power harrow with a coulter rail and front seed hopper. Thanks to its compact and short design, the weight of the coulter rail also acts further forward. This has an extremely positive effect on the steering performance of the tractor.

Both LION models operate with four rotors per metre of working width. This makes it possible to output wide working widths with smaller power tractors.

With the LION 103 C series, it is easy to quickly set the ideal working depth from the side of the machine to obtain the correct seedbed structure. All the operator need to do is pull out a lynch pin and adjust the control rod to set the working depth as required. This system allows the working depth to be adjusted at intervals of approx. 1cm.

Other advantages of the models are offered by the levelling board, which is automatically height adjusted by the rear roller. This is completely independent of working depth setting. The levelling board is guided at a consistent pre-defined distance above the soil without changing its distance from the tines or its pre-set height. This patented solution delivers the most level and uniform tilth structure for the seedbed, even in varying soil conditions.

Seedbed preparation is concluded by one of a wide range of rear rollers. Choose from tooth packer rollers, prism packer rollers and rubber packer rollers. On tooth packer rollers and prism packer rollers, there are the additional criteria of two different diameters to choose from.

Combined with a Pöttinger AEROSEM FDD seed drill, this machine becomes a high output and cost-effective combination delivering perfect sowing results. Featuring easy attachment, this is the perfect solution for farmers with high specifications, for today and into the future.