
TERRADISC with distribution system for AMICO F

TERRADISC 10001 T, AMICO F. (Image source: Pöttinger)

Pöttinger has now equipped not only its TERRIA stubble cultivators but also its trailed TERRADISC 8001 T / 10001 T disc harrows with a distribution system coupled to the AMICO F front hopper, enabling soil cultivation and sowing or fertilisation to be done at the same time

In just one pass, fertiliser or cover crops are sown directly into the soil using this resource-saving process. Cover crops are directly stimulated to germinate because they are immediately covered and consolidated by the packer. This can be done during shallow stubble cultivation. Driving speeds above 10 kph in combination with the wide working widths of 8-10 m ensure an enormous output.

Large diameter, scalloped discs with a diameter of 580 mm slice into the ground and get the soil moving. The TWIN ARM suspension system prevents the discs from deviating sideways on hard ground, ensuring that the whole surface is moved, which ultimately ensures uniform application of the seed material and fertiliser.

Setting the distribution rail with the outlet diagonal to the ground feeds the fertiliser or seed into the flow of soil, resulting in the material to join the flow of soil to be deposited on or near the surface. This method is suitable for sowing greening or cover crop mixtures.

Moreover, setting the distribution rail perpendicular to the ground allows the material to immediately mix into the soil below so that it is deposited across the full cultivation depth. The fertiliser and seed material is therefore distributed throughout the entire cross section or soil movement.

The TERRADISC T with the distribution system for the AMICO F front hopper is a high output solution for sustainable and strong plant growth. The capacity of 1,700 or 2,400 litres and a division of 60:40 ensures a wide range of applications for the front hopper. Furthermore, the hopper can also be used in combination with third-party equipment thanks to the ISOBUS control system without any issues.

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