

Traditional rice terraces in South-East-Asia. (Image source: Bühler)

The presence of long impurities in their paddy is one of the most common challenges facing rice producers

The commercial and corporate support provided by SCE will help consolidate and expand growth in Asia. (Image source: David Mark/Pixabay)

Symaga, a leading manufacturer of industrial silos, has opened an office in Singapore as part of an agreement with SCE Asia in Suntec City, Marina Bay

The drone can monitor and control the four hoses individually, ensuring an efficient flow rate for each nozzle. (Image source: DJI)

DJI, a developer and manufacturer of innovative drone and camera technology, is set to transform the farming sector with its latest agriculture drone, the DJI AGRAS T20

The mulch seed drill delivers impressThe mulch seed drill delivers impressively precise seed placement and unique ground tracking. (Image source: Pöttinger)ively precise seed placement and unique ground tracking. (Image source: Pöttinger)

Pöttinger has extended its range of TERRASEM mulch seed drills with the CLASSIC series

Franchi is a professional who has been working in the agro-food sector for almost 30 years. (Image source: FelixMittermeier/Pixabay)

Termotecnica Pericoli has announced the entry of Marco Franchi into the company with the role of Business Development Manager Asia

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