

Grow Asia plans to survey production of Cambodias main crops such as rice. (Image source: DeptofForeignAffairsandTrade/Flickr)

Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has entered a partnership with Grow Asia to boost the country’s agriculture sector

Through the HCS+ Science Study, the Sabah Forestry Department hopes to increase the size of Total Protected Areas (TPAs). (Image source: RainforestActionNetwork/Flickr)

Malaysia’s Sabah Forestry Department has agreed to run a trial of the newly-released High Carbon Stock (HCS+) methodology, which helps assess carbon stock in palm oil plantations

Thai RSS3 rubber was quoted at US$1.3 per kg, which are the lowest prices since December 2008. (Image source: WorldBankPhotoCollection/Flickr)

Thailand has approved a US$139mn loan to the country’s rubber farmers who have been affected by the falling global prices of the commodity

Thailand’s rubber market is one of the country’s most lucrative, and it enjoys patronage from outside Thailand as well. (Image source: CIFOR/Flickr)

Thailand has signed deals with China to supply rice and rubber, alongside a major railway deal 

The multi-billion merger is expected to lead to the unison of DuPont and Dows seed/crop protection businesses. (Image source: HeathGauge/Flickr)

DuPont and Dow Chemical Company have signed a US$140bn merger that will give rise to one major agriculture-centric venture in addition to two other companies

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