

To bolster the Philippines’ status as a disease-free source, the DA also is working on a memorandum of agreement (MoA) with the Korea Food Research Institute (KFRI) to improve the traceability and food safety management of the Philippines products. (Image source: Maja/

The Philippines department of agriculture (DA) has signed a deal with South Korea allowing increased local corn and feedstock exports

The World Bank had loaned the Philippines nearly US$1bn for reconstruction and rehabilitation projects for Haiyan-affected communities. (Image source: Alfred Borchard/

Filipino farmers have to diversify their crops to make the agricultural sector more resilient to climate change, World Bank said

Longliangyou 1813 was developed by Yuan Long Ping High-Tech Agriculture Company Limited. (Image source: HRDC)

China’s new hybrid rice breed is set to create a world record with an output of 66kg per ha this year, according to a report released

Swarna-Sub1 is a flood-tolerant rice variety developed by the Philippines-based IRRI. (Image source: Krista Johanson/

About 10mn Indian rice farmers have been given access to climate-smart rice varieties, which includes flood-tolerant ones, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) announced

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