

The collaboration includes varietal improvement and the development of rice-based technologies to enhance rice productivity and profitability in the Philippines. (Image source: Shahnur A Alam/sxc.hu)

Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) have signed an agreement to mutually protect elite breeding lines of rice varieties

In 2011, 44 per cent of agriculture-related GHG outputs occurred in Asia, followed by the Americas (25 per cent), Africa (15 per cent), Europe (12 per cent), and Oceania (four per cent), according to FAO’s data. (Image source: Jean Daniel Echenard/Flickr)

Emissions from agriculture, forestry and fisheries have nearly doubled over the past 50 years and could increase an additional 30 per cent by 2050, without greater efforts to reduce them, new FAO estimates of greenhouse gas data shows

Thailand’s major soybean meal import suppliers are Brazil, Argentina and India. (Image source: United Soybean Board/Flickr)

Soybean imports in Thailand will rise by 11 per cent in market year (MY) 2013/14 due to growing demand from livestock and aquaculture sector

One of the main objectives of agricultural parks is to introduce new technology to farmers. (Image source: Marion Doss/Flickr)

Vietnam plans to build three more agricultural hi-tech parks in Ho Chi Minh City to apply new technology and introduce new plant species and transfer technology to farmers or agriculture enterprises

In 2010, the Philippines had signed an agreement promising to steadily reduce tariffs on sugar imports, from 38 per cent in 2011 to five per cent in 2015.

Due to rising domestic demand and a fall in production due to last year’s extreme weather conditions, the Philippines has scaled back sugar exports this year, according to a report by the Oxford Business Group

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