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The project aims to empower farmers to produce high value varieties of rice in bulk quantities. (Image source: Trung Hieu Dang/Pixabay)

A USAID-funded project, Feed the Future Bangladesh Rice Value Chain (RVC), aimed at improving the rice value chain is helping 365 farmer organisations in southern Bangladesh to grow premium-quality crops to gain access to national buyers

View of Taipei city where the talks shall be taking place. (Image source: Trcheng/Commons)

Annual trade and economic talks between Taiwan and Japan held in Taipei on 29 and 30 November will discuss important agricultural issues 

The conversation of an additional 10mn ha globally to Conservation Agriculture has led to a nearly 20mn tonnes reduction in the CO2 in the atmosphere . (Image source: keulefm/Pixabay)

A major conference at COP22 discussed how encouraging farmers to switch to Conservation Agriculture (CA) can help countries meet their climate goals

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