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The new framework for agriculture will boost exports of processed food from Cambodia. (Image source: kolibri5/pixabay)

Cambodia has formulated a new framework to increase the competitiveness of its agricultural sector in line with its recently launched industrial development policy (IDP)

Mexico is keen on tapping into Southeast Asian markets, aside from Japan. (Image source: AsianDevelopmentBank/Flickr)

The 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), if finalised, could double Mexico’s agricultural exports to Japan, revealed a senior trade official in Mexico

Poultry has emerged as the largest consumer of feed additives. (Image source: Pixabay)

The global animal feed additives market is expected to reach US$19.54bn by 2020, with the Asia Pacific expected to be the fastest growing market as it will grow at a CAGR of 4.2 per cent over the next five years

Stockton hopes to increase its market presence, thanks to the money from the stake sale. (Image source: Stockton Group)

China’s Sichuan Hebang Corporation Limited and Israel’s Stockton Group have entered into an agreement whereby Hebang Group will acquire 51 per cent stake in Stockton Group for US$90mn

The fungicide will not leave any residue in the soil, water or air. (Image source: Neil Palmer/Wikimedia Commons)

Stockton-Agrimor Philippines, Inc. (SAP) has announced that the Philippine’s Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards has approved the full registration of its new fungicide for banana and plantain

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