

Thailand faces stiff competition from India, Myanmar and Vietnam in rice production. (Image source: Punch-Ra/Pixabay)

The Thai government and the Thai Rice Department have approved a donation of US$100,000 to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to implement research in rice development

Shifting cultivation is a practice of clearing forests for the cultivation of crops. After harvesting the crop, the land is left fallow for over 10 years, allowing the forest to re-grow. (Image source: TonRulkens/Flickr)

The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has launched a new project promoting agroforestry as a sustainable alternative to shifting cultivation in the uplands of Myanmar

Grain exports to China and Southeast Asia from Kazakhstan are likely to increase. (Image source: YamanakaTamaki/Flickr)

Kazakhstan is seeking to increase its volume of grain exports to China and Southeast Asia through the Gulf

Wheat production in Australia has received a fillip, thanks to winter rains in various wheat belts of the country. (Image source: Suraj/Pixabay)

The El-Nino might have had a debilitating effect on crops in Southeast Asia, but Australia appears to have benefited from the winter rains on the key wheat-growing regions

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