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Japan has set a goal of raising the export value of rice and rice products to around US$50mn by 2020. (Image source: Anmar Abd/

Japanese rice export association has announced the launch of an initiative to export more rice to Singapore

Existing bilateral rice agreements allow the Philippines to import stocks from Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia through government-to-government procurement mode. (Image source: Jim Waldron/

Vietnam and Thailand have won contracts to supply a total of 500,000 metric tonnes of rice to boost the Philippines’ buffer stock for this year’s lean months that starts in July, Vietnam’s National Food Authority (NFA) has announced

India has been taking steps to create rural infrastructure and to ensure timely delivery of credit and other inputs. (Image source: Arun Kumar/Flickr)

India has recorded an increase in agriculture employment from 234.1mn workers in 2001 to 263.1mn workers in 2011, revealed the Indian population census 2011

(From left) Harsinto Huang, CFO of TPS Group Syambiri Lioe, CEO of TPS Group Joko Mogoginta, president of the Bühler Group for Asia Dieter Voegtli and Tomas Soleman. (Image source: Bühler Group)

The Bühler Group has signed an agreement to supply the TPS Group, Indonesian rice and noodle producer, with two 17 tonnes per hour rice reprocessing lines worth US$7mn

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