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Many Vietnamese agricultural products have been permitted to enter several countries including China, the US, Japan, and New Zealand. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

In 2023, the agricultural sector will promote negotiation to open more foreign markets for local farming commodities, according Hoang Trung, director of the Plant Protection Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)

The project helped lower investment costs, increased productivity and improved rice quality. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Save Planet Agro-Economy Development Association, the Community Rice Centre Association of Thailand, the Agriculturist Association and the Thai Rice Mills Association have partnered to promote the Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) model in rice farms across 10 provinces, covering about 50,000 rai of paddy fields, with the aim of getting them to produce premium-quality rice

According to MARD, solutions have been implemented to encourage businesses to invest in agriculture and rural areas. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

On 28 December 2022, Nguyễn Trường Thắng, deputy head of the The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARDs) Enterprise Management Department spoke at a forum on enterprises in the development of agriculture and rural areas held in Hà Nội, confirming that the ministry would continue to implement solutions to innovate the mechanism to support businesses in expanding markets

Despite being a small country, the Maldives has a high demand for milled rice due to the large number of tourists who visit the country. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

One month after Cambodias Phka Rumduol jasmine variety was crowned for the fifth time as the World’s Best Rice, the country has decided to begin formally exporting milled rice to Maldives, to help raise the profile of local grain both nationally and internationally

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