

This new ‘e-mandi’ system not only alleviates the pressure on farmers but greatly increases their productivity and yield. (Image source: FarmERP)

Agriculture forms the backbone of any society – it is upon the benefits we reap from its harvests that we can move toward secondary pursuits

One extra cubic metre of tree growth sequesters one tonne of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. (Image source: HKScan)

Together with its contract farmers, a Finnish manufacturer of meat foods and products HKScan promotes local carbon sequestration in its food chain

This project will regularly provide trainings for local corn farmers every year on agriculture risk management. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the global agribusiness company Cargill have launched the holistic agriculture risk management project, a three-year pilot initiative in Songyuan, Jilin province of China

CNH Industrial has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the capital stock of Raven Industries, a US-based leader in precision agriculture technology for US$58 per share, representing a 33.6% premium to the Raven Industries 4-week volume-weighted average stock price, and US$2.1bn Enterprise Value

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