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Peng Liyuan Xi Jinping and Barack Obama in the Lincoln Bedroom. (Image source: White House/ Commons)

As Donald Trump appoints Terry Branstad as the ambassador to China, agricultural ties between the worlds two super powers could be set to increase as a result of Branstads personal relationship with Chinese Premier Xi Jinping

Milk may help with the loss that dietary change has bought to Asia as more move into cities from the country. (Image source: Public Domain)

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization released a statement on 5 December in regards to Asias dietary epidemics; obesity and vitamin and mineral deficiencies stating that dairy products, such as milk, may have a significant effect on nutrition but the fight against hunger in Asia is starting to slow

View of Taipei city where the talks shall be taking place. (Image source: Trcheng/Commons)

Annual trade and economic talks between Taiwan and Japan held in Taipei on 29 and 30 November will discuss important agricultural issues 

Business and public opinion leaders attended the opening ceremony of APEC 2016. (Image source: cancilleriadeperu/Flickr)

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) members recently met at Peru to discuss the future of international trade policies, sustainable economic growth and shared prosperity in the APAC region under the theme of ‘quality growth and human development’

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