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The premix plant at Binh Duong has achieved high levels of compliance in quality management, personnel, documentation, quality control and production. (Image source: Biomin)

Animal nutrition company Biomin’s premix plant at Binh Duong in Vietnam has been awarded the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP+B1) certification, becoming the first and only premix facility to do so in the country

According to the USDA, the Philippines may import 1.6mn tonnes of rice in 2015. (Image source: Paul Suesskind/Flickr)

The Philippines will sign deals with Thailand and Vietnam to import 500,000 tonnes of rice as the country looks to boost buffer stock ahead of the lean harvest season

South Korea has been exempted from liberalising its rice market for 20 years due to the 1994 Uruguay Round of trade negotiations. (Image source: Lihi Koren/Flickr)

South Korea has announced that it aims at increasing its rice exports after export restrictions are lifted on the staple grain from March 2015

The construction is expected to start in 2015 and is due to be completed by 2017. (Image source: Johanan Ottensooser/Flickr)

Myanmar and China will jointly build a 200-tonne advanced rice mill at Nyaungdone in Myanmar’s Ayeyarwady region, according to the Myanmar Rice Millers Association (MRMA)

Organic rice exports still command only a fraction of Cambodia’s overall rice exports, which totalled 380,000 tonnes of rice in 2014, authorities revealed. (Image source: Brandon W. Mosley/

Cambodia is aiming to double up it organic rice exports to 1,000 tonnes in 2015, according to official sources

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